Marriage Monday | It Isn't About You


Photography by Levi Travieso

The thing about marriage is that it's not about you. But it's not about your spouse either.

Marriage isn't beautiful because of how much you love each other or how you just can't live without each other. It's beautiful because it's about two people who (yes, love each other), but most importantly love Jesus, pursue Him together, and strengthen each other along the way.

Marriage is most beautiful when you push each other closer to the Father. When you push each other to become greater than you were when you were apart.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. - Proverbs 27:17

One of the things Josiah and I have talked about a lot in our first year of marriage is how living a joint life has enabled us to serve the Lord and His people in different ways than we did before.

Whether it's serving together, praying together or being a cheerleader for each other in our individual pursuits, we are made stronger by joining forces.

Don't get me wrong, we don't get it RIGHT all the time, but luckily God doesn't ask us to be perfect. He just asks us to show up with an open heart and serve.

I don't think that this just applies to married couples either. The church can and SHOULD do this for one another. We have the ability to strengthen each other by picking each other up when we fall down, loving each other when times get tough, and being each others cheerleaders on a daily basis.

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

What do you think the purpose of marriage and relationships should be? Do you agree with my thoughts? I'd love to hear yours.  Comment below!


If you liked this post, check out my other posts on Christian Marriage!

Until next time,

With love,

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Why Marriage Is Not About You (or your spouse)


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