Marriage Monday | 5 Takeaways


Photos By Levi Travieso


Happy Marriage Monday, friends!

Now that we are seasoned professionals at being married, I wanted to start this mini-series to tell you everything you need to know about marriage.

Just kidding.

I know we still have so much to learn but now that we are a year in, I wanted to write about our experiences along the way! Before I got married, I remember having so many questions and would grill my few married friends for all the details! Hopefully this will be helpful to some of you out there. I'd love to hear your thoughts and if there are any subjects you would like for me to cover!

So, here is a recap of my 5 takeaways from our first year! I'll probably go into more detail in future posts but here's a snapshot of things I've been learning!

1. Marriage is my favorite.

Maybe I'm still feeling like a honeymooner, but I don't like the phrase marriage is hard. It seems to me that LIFE can get hard but I am lucky enough that I get to go through those times with my best friend. Yes, those things can test a marriage. Yes, circumstances can put you in situations that can make your marriage more difficult... but life will be difficult whether you're married or not. Marriage means you GET to go through the ups and downs with your BFF by your side. That's amazing to me.

2. Marriage will teach you about yourself.

As I am learning more about Josiah, I have also been learning more about myself. It's interesting how living side by side with someone will show you where your gifts and problem points are. Between starting my business and getting married in the same year, I've found out a lot about what I could use improvement on!

Because Josiah and I are so different, it's been really interesting talking to him about my business. And when I say we are different I mean that Myers Briggs says we are incompatible! When I vent to him about some of the problems I'm having with my new business, he almost always sees the picture so clearly! He's helped me to realize when I need to re-focus, set boundaries, and confront issues (definitely not where my giftings lie). Now don't get me wrong, those conversations aren't all sunshine and rainbows... but they turn into some of the best conversations we have when we see them through.

Our differences make us stronger individuals... and I seriously LOVE that.

3. You're on the same team.

Along these same lines.... I'm learning to not be as sensitive when we have these conversations about how I could improve in different areas. I used to automatically rear back, ready to fight or cry over these types of conversations. This change has been able to happen because Josiah always helps me through every situation in love and encouragement. When you go into the tough conversations remembering that you are on the same team, it makes all the difference!

4. Faith has to be the center.

I always knew that this would be true, but now seeing it in practice it's even more evident! We try to make every decision in our marriage together and in prayer. With Jesus at the root, there is so much pressure off of us and our marriage. Because we are trying to follow God's will for our lives TOGETHER, hard decisions seem much more simple.

One of my favorite things about our marriage is that we start every day (well, almost every day) off by praying together. Not only is it a time to talk about what is going on in our day, but it is a time to take those things to God together.

5. Support each other's dreams.

Josiah and I are both very passionate about work and our dreams. I can't tell you how AMAZING it has been to have him walking beside me in every step of starting a business. Y'all, marry someone who not only supports your dreams but someone who rallies beside you! So much of your life is spent working, so wouldn't you want to be with someone who cheers you on in the places you can make the most impact? I only hope that I am able to support Josiah in the way that he has supported me over this last year. It's been life-changing!

What do you think of these 5 takeaways? Do you have takeaways of your own? I'd love to hear them! Let me know, in the comments below!

Until next time,



Marriage Monday | It Isn't About You


Marriage Monday | One Year Anniversary