My Morning Routine


OK, I want to start this by saying I am not anywhere perfect when it comes to my morning routine (especially in the past couple of weeks with the holidays!). However, I can tell you that when I'm consistent with it, it makes such an incredible difference in the way I feel both emotionally and physically. So for that reason, I wanted to share my (ideal) routine with all of you in the hopes to give inspiration for you to start one that works best in your life!

Coffee & Quiet Time

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little spoiled when it comes to waking up because Josiah always makes coffee in the morning. But I typically start my day off with some good ol' Jesus time while sipping coffee. I usually read a chapter or two from the Bible and/or a devotional and then I write in my prayer journal.

About the prayer journal...

For this, I do a mix of journaling what's going on in life, writing out prayers, doing Morning Pages (from The Artist's Way), and listing gratitudes. This process is incredibly life-giving and really connects me with the Lord... highly recommend!

Pray with My Husband

Praying together in the morning is not only a great way to connect with the Lord together, it also helps keep you up-to-date on what your partner is feeling and going through. It's so important to encourage each other in those every day happenings.

Make Breakfast

...for my husband. I typically don't eat breakfast until later on in the morning but since Josiah has to leave for work, I try to make him breakfast. It's a great deal, he makes the coffee and I make the food!

Walk It Out

Walking seriously changes lives. I feel a million times better and more productive after walking. Honestly, I get more work done on the days that I walk than on the days I skip it in order to “get ahead” in work. Depending on how much time I have that morning (aka if I pressed snooze or not), I’ll walk anywhere form 2 to 4 miles. I know that when we think of working out, walking doesn’t seem like it would make that much difference, but it really does! Seriously, check out this article on why walking is the most underrated exercise out there!

Breakfast & Answer Emails

After walking, I'll grab myself an easy breakfast (yogurt & granola) and get to work!

If you liked this post, you might also like my post on my current Favorite Christian Books to Read!

That's it! My morning routine is nothing groundbreaking but it makes a huge difference in my life AND how I interact with others! Because when we take care of our spiritual, mental and physical health, we are better equipped to care for others!

What do you for your morning routine?

With love,

Lauren Toews

My ideal morning routine


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