How I'm Getting Over Perfectionism & Starting My Blog


How to start your blog and push past perfectionism...aka the things I'm telling myself to get this blog going!

Hello friends and welcome to my very first blog post! I'm so happy you're here. It took me quite some time to finally figure out how to get over my perfectionist mindset and start this blog, but I'm so excited to share this journey with you (if you're thinking about starting a blog, too, please say hi below!!). So today I'm talking about how I'm pushing past my fears and following a dream!

Here's a little snippet of my story...

I've dreamed of having a blog for some time, but the same thing always got in my way.


I was worried that the branding wouldn't be perfect, the blog layout wouldn't be right or I wouldn't have the right words. OR that I would change my mind, lose interest or just straight up fail!

But we all know that the problem is, perfection isn't attainable.

And... we'll never know until we try!

I relate to Donald Miller's quote...

"I don't trust people to accept who I am in process. I'm the kind of person who wants to present my most honest, authentic self to the world — so I hide backstage and rehearse honest and authentic lines until the curtain opens."

So I have a choice to make. I can stay still and safe, all the while wishing I had created this blog and pursued a dream...

Or I could JUST START. It's as simple as that.

Fearful living is not living at all.

I believe that God puts dreams in our hearts for a reason. Sometimes they seem impossible, sometimes they're seemingly small, sometimes they morph into a new dream and transform you in the process.

If perfectionism is holding you back, I challenge you to start anyway. The best way to move past perfectionism is to take action. Let's do this together!

(Update! Ready to take action? Check out my post 5 Steps to Follow Your Dreams)

God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. - Rick Yancey

Stick around, I might even write another post ;)


How to start your blog perfectionism

How to start your blog perfectionism


2016 NYC Trip!