Speak Truth


It's so important to remember that.

I believe it's important to think before you speak (still working on that one) and to choose your words carefully. But I think it's equally important to encourage each other by speaking words affirmation, love and truth to one another.

So often we hold ourselves back because we assume the other person knows how we feel, or we're just scared of making things feel uncomfortable.

It's so important to call out the good we see in people.

When I worked in the music industry I had a great manager. One of the most pivotal moments in my career was when she told me I was good at the work I was doing. It was so simple (she probably doesn't even remember saying it!) but it meant so much to me.

As much as I doubt myself, hearing those words created a change in my heart. I started to believe that I was doing a good job and it made me want to be even better.

We need to speak the beautiful things we see more often. You never know how much of an impact they may make.

Speaking truth is powerful.

But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. - Hebrews 3:13

One of my best friends is really great at sending physical mail to encourage the ones she loves! Every time I receive a letter from her it brightens my day so much. There's something about receiving a piece of mail that isn't a bill or junk! I want to put speaking words of truth, affirmation and love into practice, so I'm making it a goal to send more mail to my loved ones!

This month I teamed up with Devotions Delivered - a postcard subscription company - to send a few of my loved ones encouraging notes. Each postcard has Bible verse and a stamp already on it. Such a cute idea!

It was a fun way to say hello, speaks words of affirmation, and encourage my friends. If you want to try it, you can use my promo code LT20 for 20% off!

Why do you think we hold back our encouragement to one another? How do you think we can change that? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Until next time,



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