Overcoming Comparison


Comparison kills the creative spirit.

When I was 8 years old, I wanted to be a singer but I never believed I could because my best friend was the friend known for having the best voice. What I didn't understand was that just because she was good at something didn't make me bad at it. From an early age, I believed the lie, "I can't, because she can."

Even as an adult, I tend to play the comparison game, especially with this world of social media.

"She's an incredible photographer, so that must not by my thing."

"She's a better writer..."

"She's a successful business woman..."


But this mentality is so wrong! Why don't we see another's success and let that INSPIRE us instead of letting it pull us down?

"She can and so can I!"

"She's beautiful and so am I."

"She's successful and I can be, too."


Let's not listen to the lie of comparison. Let's listen to the truth: we are sons and daughters of a living God who created us with our own individual gifts. He CREATED us because He wanted us to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Not a life of comparison.


How do you deal with comparison in your own life? Are there any verses that get you back on track? I'd love to hear them in the comments below!

With love,


Standing Out From The Crowd


The Bell Jacket