Happy New Year: 2016 In Review


As we move into 2017 filled with excitement and ready for new adventures, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the gifts of 2016.

This past year I got to marry the man of my dreams, swim with the pigs in Exuma, go on work trips to LA and NYC, grow in my career, build my friendships, and spend the holidays with my loved ones. I also had to face hardships at work, overcome challenges of starting my own business, mend relationships, and support friends in hard times.

I look at all of those experiences as gifts. The good, the bad, and the utterly confusing. I've learned that there is good to come from every seemingly bad situation. But we have to look for it with a Kingdom mindset.

In 2016 God taught me a lot about perspective and faith, continually teaching me to rely on Him for provision in every capacity

He's teaching me that relying on Him is better than being filled with anxiety over the things that I cannot control.

He's teaching me that relying on Him brings true PEACE because giving Him my decisions

frees me of worldly worry.

He's teaching me that relying on Him means joy in any situation.

He's teaching me that when life doesn't make sense, He's working in the background.

He's teaching me to look for the good in everything.

No matter what 2017 brings, I pray that I continue to remember the lessons and gifts He has given me in 2016.

Until next time,



Happy Healthy Life: Daily Decisions


2016 NYE Outfit